Joe Bekrou|

A mixed media piece that demonstrates a fascination with conceptual and abstract portraiture, HEDROQUE is one of many pieces featured in .EPOD’s latest series titled ‘FUTURSTALGIA’. Retrofuturism is deeply rooted in the artist’s work, toying with conceptual depictions of the future blended with visual notes toward the past. Playing into their strengths, .EPOD in this instance effortlessly merges together portraiture with abstract geometry, effectively creating an image that is devastatingly beautiful to admire.

The damsel dressed in a balloon-sleeved summer gown seems to be blown by the wind, her head caught in a blur of disintegration. Considering both the references to the past and future, although this is being visualised by the artist in the present tense, could be indicative of humanity’s loss of self-identity in a world swarmed by social media and self-image. While this may be a narrow interpretation of HEDROQUE, it is a story that very much fits in with current society and the possible impending future of a people that lack individualist ideals and goals. However, this could very well be only one of many narratives that .EPOD tells their viewers in the ‘FUTURSTALGIA’ series.

If we focus solely on HEDROQUE, overall this piece is very simple in its composition and in the subject. Despite this, there is a clear sense of confidence in how the artist layers together multiple mediums; the angular brushstrokes evoke movement, adding to the image of disintegration. It is interesting to see an artist approach portraiture without the use of the actual portrait, instead of blurring this as a means of adding dimension to their ‘FUTURSTALGIA’ series.

Words by Chloe Copley

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